Review: The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method for Astral Projection

Astral Projection

The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method for Astral Projection is a comprehensive training system developed by Dr. Steve G. Jones, a world-renowned hypnotist.

This program aims to help individuals master the art of astral projection, allowing them to experience spiritual transcendence and explore new dimensions beyond the physical realm.

By tapping into the power of hypnosis, this method offers a safe and controlled approach to astral projection, enabling users to unlock their full potential and live a life filled with adventure and enlightenment.

Design and Quality

Astral ProjectionDr. Steve G. Jones has meticulously crafted this training system to provide a high-quality and immersive experience for users.

The program consists of various audio modules that guide individuals through the process of astral projection, using hypnotic techniques to induce a deep meditative state.

The audio recordings are professionally produced, with clear and soothing voices that enhance the overall experience. The method’s design focuses on safety and control, ensuring that users can explore the astral planes with confidence and ease.

Key Features and Functionality

The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method offers a range of key features and functionalities that empower users to harness the power of astral projection. Some of the notable features include:

Comprehensive Training: The program provides step-by-step guidance on astral projection, from understanding the concept to mastering the techniques. Users will learn how to achieve an out-of-body experience through deep meditation and self-hypnosis.

Safe and Controlled Approach: Unlike other methods that rely on external factors or circumstances, this method allows users to achieve astral projection willingly and at their own pace. This ensures a safe and controlled experience, minimizing potential risks or discomfort.

Wide Range of Benefits: Astral projection offers a multitude of benefits, and this training system explores them in-depth. Users can expect to enhance their self-awareness, overcome fears, develop ESP skills, and gain insights into their life purpose. It also provides a platform to affect one’s waking reality and manifest desired changes in the 3D world.

Spiritual Enlightenment and Transcendence: By exploring the astral planes, users can experience profound spiritual growth and transcendence. The method opens doors to higher realms of consciousness, allowing individuals to expand their perception, tap into collective consciousness, and develop a sense of inner peace and confidence.

Comparison with Similar Products

While there are other resources available on astral projection, the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method stands out due to its unique approach and effectiveness.

Unlike many books or programs that merely educate or entertain, this method combines the power of hypnosis with proven techniques to induce astral projection. Its focus on safety, control, and comprehensive training sets it apart from other methods in the market, ensuring that users can achieve consistent and transformative experiences.

Pros and Cons


  • Comprehensive and systematic training for astral projection.
  • Safe and controlled approach through hypnosis and deep meditation.
  • High-quality audio recordings enhance the overall experience.
  • Wide range of benefits, including personal growth, spiritual enlightenment, and manifestation.
  • Unique and effective method not found in other resources.


  • Requires commitment and practice to master the techniques.
  • Some individuals may require more time to achieve consistent astral projection experiences.

User Experiences and Testimonials

The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method has garnered positive feedback from users worldwide. Many individuals have reported transformative experiences, ranging from exploring different dimensions to gaining profound insights and spiritual growth. Here are some user testimonials:

Sarah H.:
“The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method has completely changed my life. I was skeptical at first, but after committing to the program, I started experiencing astral projection regularly. The feeling of leaving my physical body and exploring the astral realms is indescribable. It has given me a whole new perspective on life and opened doors to spiritual growth that I never thought possible.”

Mark L.:
“I’ve tried various methods to achieve astral projection, but nothing worked until I came across the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method. The combination of hypnosis and meditation techniques provided a powerful and effective approach. I now have the ability to consciously leave my body and explore the astral planes. It’s an incredible journey of self-discovery, and I highly recommend this program to anyone interested in astral projection.”

Emily S.:
“I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of astral projection but never thought it was something I could actually experience. The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method made it accessible and achievable. The audio modules guided me through the process step by step, and I gradually started having out-of-body experiences. It has expanded my consciousness and allowed me to tap into higher realms of knowledge and understanding.”

David R.:
“I’ve been using the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method for a few months now, and the results have been amazing. Not only have I been able to astral project consistently, but it has also had a positive impact on my waking life. I’ve gained clarity, overcome fears, and developed a stronger connection to my intuition. This method has truly transformed my spiritual journey.”

Jennifer M.:
“I’ve tried other astral projection programs in the past, but the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method is by far the most effective. The audio recordings are soothing and put me in a deep meditative state effortlessly. The step-by-step guidance has allowed me to progress at my own pace, and I’m now able to explore the astral realms with ease. It’s an incredible experience that has expanded my consciousness and brought me a sense of inner peace.”

Please note that these testimonials represent individual experiences, and results may vary. It’s important to approach astral projection with an open mind, patience, and dedication to practice the techniques consistently.


Q: Is astral projection safe?
A: Astral projection is generally considered safe, especially when practiced using reliable methods like the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method. However, it’s essential to approach it with caution and respect. It’s recommended to start with shorter experiences and gradually increase the duration and intensity. It’s also important to maintain a positive mindset, protect your energy, and follow proper grounding and protection techniques.

Q: Can anyone learn astral projection?
A: Yes, astral projection is a natural ability that everyone possesses. With proper guidance, practice, and an open mind, anyone can learn to astral project. The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method is designed to make astral projection accessible to individuals at all skill levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners.

Q: How long does it take to achieve astral projection?
A: The time it takes to achieve astral projection varies from person to person. Some individuals may have their first out-of-body experience within a few sessions, while others may require more time and practice. It depends on factors such as individual readiness, concentration, relaxation abilities, and dedication to the practice. Consistency and patience are key.

Q: Can I use the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method if I have never meditated before?
A: Absolutely! The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method is designed to guide both beginners and experienced individuals. The program includes step-by-step instructions and audio modules that will assist you in entering a deep meditative state necessary for astral projection. Even if you have no prior experience with meditation, this method will help you develop the necessary skills.

Q: Can astral projection be dangerous?
A: When practiced responsibly and with proper techniques, astral projection is generally considered safe. However, it’s essential to maintain a grounded and balanced approach. It’s recommended to set positive intentions, protect your energy, and avoid engaging with negative entities or unfamiliar energies during your astral journeys. Following the guidelines provided in the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method will help ensure a safe and enriching experience.

Q: Can astral projection be used for healing purposes?
A: Yes, astral projection can be used for healing on multiple levels. By exploring the astral planes, individuals may gain access to higher states of consciousness, spiritual knowledge, and energy healing. Astral projection can facilitate personal growth, emotional healing, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe. However, it’s important to note that astral projection should not be seen as a substitute for professional medical or psychological care.

Q: Is there a specific time or place to practice astral projection?
A: Astral projection can be practiced at any time and in any quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed. It’s often recommended to choose a time when you are relaxed and free from distractions. Some individuals find that early morning or late at night, when the mind is naturally more receptive, is an optimal time for astral projection. Experiment and find what works best for you.


The Surefire HypnoTranquility Method offers a comprehensive and effective training system for individuals interested in exploring astral projection. With a combination of hypnosis, meditation techniques, and expert guidance, this program allows users to tap into the extraordinary realm of astral travel and experience the wonders of the metaphysical world.

Through astral projection, users can embark on incredible adventures, gain profound insights, and transform their lives on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. The program has received positive feedback from users who have reported life-changing experiences and a deepened understanding of their true potential.

While astral projection requires practice, dedication, and an open mind, the Surefire HypnoTranquility Method is an excellent place to continue your journey.